Rowantree PS presents Exercise 2

At Rowantree PS we divided into five groups and came up with different stories for our scenes for Exercise 2. Each scene was shot in two different ways – one from a fixed camera position and one with a moving camera. For some of the static shots we were lucky enough to have a tripod,…

Helping actors to make it ‘real’ on screen!

I was once an extra in the Ewan MacGregor film ‘Young Adam’. The location was Perth Sheriff Court and the setting was a scandalous murder trial in the 1950’s. I was one of about 200 extras in the public gallery. In one of the scenes, when the accused, who was married, admits to having an…

St John’s RC HS – Exercise 2

Miss Keegan’s film- making class proudly present two films for Exercise 2 of the Understanding Cinema project: The Static camera   The Moving camera   We have had a discussion about what we have learned from the Understanding Cinema project so far ….. If you don’t have a tripod, it’s difficult to keep the camera…

St John’s RC High School Filmmaking Group

Welcome to Miss Keegan’s third year Enhanced Provision class.   After much discussion we decided that our inspirational place is a cinema. Why? It is an adventure to get there. It’s good for the family for a good day out. Great food and drinks to enjoy. The films have really great stories to them and…

A screenwriting tip for creating characters

We often make our characters react in the way we expect them to react, based on our own emotions, expectations and moral framework. It can make for a bland story. So one of the things I try to get young writers to do, when creating characters, is to think of opposite reactions. For example, if…

St John’s RC High School Lumiere Minutes

This is a selection of one minute Lumiere style films produced by the Understanding Cinema group at St John’s RC High School in Dundee, Scotland. Each participant (pupils and staff) had to film a minute of material in the style of the Lumiere brothers. Each shot was filmed from a fixed position.

Sandie’s Lumiere minutes

The purpose of this exercise was to record the world around you in one minute of material in the manner of the Lumiere Brothers i.e. shot from a fixed position, lasting one minute and including the sounds recorded on location at the time of filming. ‘Chores’ was filmed in my garden on a very windy…